Parker Dance Co. goes online for Term 2! The Parker Dance Company prides itself on offering fun and exciting dance classes focusing on building confidence, making friends and expressing ourselves through dance. At Parker Dance Co. we welcome everyone into our studio and aim to inspire students to become the greatest version of themselves.
We will be keeping our dis-dance by providing pre-recorded content for your dancers to work through while at home.
Hip Hop
Online classes include warm ups, jazz technique exercises, ballet grade work, mini choreography classes in every style PLUS live classes via ZOOM to keep you connected to all of your dance friends.
All content has been broken into the following age groups:
Minis – Ages 3-5yrs
Junior – Ages 5-7 yrs/Prep & Grade 1
Intermediate – Ages 7-9/Grade 2 & Grade 3
Sub Senior – Ages 9-12/Grades 4-6
Senior/Open – Ages 13+/High School
Looking forward to dancing with you, from my lounge room to yours!